Østerriksk post det osmaniske rike (side 1/2)

Viser nå: Østerriksk post det osmaniske rike - Postfrimerker (1867 - 1914) - 81 frimerker.

1867 Emperor Franz Joseph - Coarse Print

June VM: Ingen Perforering: 9½

[Emperor Franz Joseph - Coarse Print, type A] [Emperor Franz Joseph - Coarse Print, type A2] [Emperor Franz Joseph - Coarse Print, type B]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
1 A 2Sld - 2.12 31.81 - USD  Info
2 A1 3Sld - 159 63.62 - USD  Info
3 A2 5Sld - 265 12.72 - USD  Info
4 A3 10Sld - 212 2.12 - USD  Info
5 A4 15Sld - 26.51 8.48 - USD  Info
6 A5 25Sld - 26.51 42.42 - USD  Info
7 B 50Sld - 1.06 63.62 - USD  Info
1‑7 - 692 224 - USD 
1876 -1883 As Previous - Fine Print

VM: Ingen Perforering: 9½

[As Previous - Fine Print, type A6] [As Previous - Fine Print, type A7] [As Previous - Fine Print, type A8] [As Previous - Fine Print, type A9] [As Previous - Fine Print, type A10] [As Previous - Fine Print, type A11]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
1A A6 2Sld - 0.53 3711 - USD  Info
2A A7 3Sld - 1.06 31.81 - USD  Info
3A A8 5Sld - 0.53 21.21 - USD  Info
4A A9 10Sld - 106 1.06 - USD  Info
5A A10 15Sld - 12.72 185 - USD  Info
6A A11 25Sld - 0.80 424 - USD  Info
[Coat of Arms - Inscription: "Imper. reg. - posta austr.", type C] [Coat of Arms - Inscription: "Imper. reg. - posta austr.", type C1] [Coat of Arms - Inscription: "Imper. reg. - posta austr.", type C2] [Coat of Arms - Inscription: "Imper. reg. - posta austr.", type C4] [Coat of Arms - Inscription: "Imper. reg. - posta austr.", type C6] [Coat of Arms - Inscription: "Imper. reg. - posta austr.", type C8]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
8 C 2Sld - 0.27 212 - USD  Info
9 C1 3Sld - 1.06 42.42 - USD  Info
10 C2 5Sld - 0.27 21.21 - USD  Info
10A* C3 5Sld - 6.36 424 - USD  Info
11 C4 10Sld - 0.80 0.80 - USD  Info
11A* C5 10Sld - - 185 - USD  Info
12 C6 20Sld - 1.59 12.72 - USD  Info
12A* C7 20Sld - 8.48 424 - USD  Info
13 C8 50Sld - 1.06 21.21 - USD  Info
8‑13 - 5.05 310 - USD 
1886 No.9 Surcharged

1. September VM: Ingen Perforering: 9½

[No.9 Surcharged, type D]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
14 D 10/3Pa/Sld - 0.27 10.60 - USD  Info
14A D1 10/3Pa/Sld - 212 530 - USD  Info
1888 Austrian Postage Stamps Surcharged

1. May VM: Ingen Perforering: 10

[Austrian Postage Stamps Surcharged, type E] [Austrian Postage Stamps Surcharged, type E2]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
15 E 10/3Pa/Kr - 4.24 10.60 - USD  Info
16 E1 20/5Pa/Kr - 0.27 10.60 - USD  Info
17 E2 1/10Pi/Kr - 63.62 1.59 - USD  Info
18 E3 2/20Pi/Kr - 1.59 5.30 - USD  Info
19 E4 5/50Pi/Kr - 2.12 21.21 - USD  Info
15‑19 - 71.84 49.30 - USD 
1890 Austrian Postage Stamps Surcharged - Granite Paper

1. September VM: Ingen Perforering: 9-13½

[Austrian Postage Stamps Surcharged - Granite Paper, type F1] [Austrian Postage Stamps Surcharged - Granite Paper, type F2] [Austrian Postage Stamps Surcharged - Granite Paper, type F3] [Austrian Postage Stamps Surcharged - Granite Paper, type F4] [Austrian Postage Stamps Surcharged - Granite Paper, type F5] [Austrian Postage Stamps Surcharged - Granite Paper, type F6] [Austrian Postage Stamps Surcharged - Granite Paper, type G] [Austrian Postage Stamps Surcharged - Granite Paper, type G1]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
20 F 8/2Pa/Kr - 0.27 0.53 - USD  Info
20A* F1 8/2Pa/Kr - 12.72 15.91 - USD  Info
21 F2 10/3Pa/Kr - 0.53 0.53 - USD  Info
22 F3 20/5Pa/Kr - 0.27 0.53 - USD  Info
23 F4 1/10Pi/Kr - 0.27 0.27 - USD  Info
24 F5 2/20Pi/Kr - 8.48 31.81 - USD  Info
25 F6 5/50Pi/Kr - 12.72 84.83 - USD  Info
26 G 10/1Pi/G - 12.72 31.81 - USD  Info
27 G1 20/2Pi/G - 15.91 53.02 - USD  Info
20‑27 - 51.17 203 - USD 
[Austrian Postage Stamps No.74 & 77 Surcharged, type H] [Austrian Postage Stamps No.74 & 77 Surcharged, type H2]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
28 H 2/20Pi/Kr - 8.48 1.59 - USD  Info
28A* H1 2/20Pi/Kr - 212 185 - USD  Info
29 H2 5/50Pi/Kr - 3.18 3.18 - USD  Info
28‑29 - 11.66 4.77 - USD 
1896 Austrian Postage Stamps No.78-79 Surcharged

1. February VM: Ingen Perforering: 10½-11½

[Austrian Postage Stamps No.78-79 Surcharged, type I] [Austrian Postage Stamps No.78-79 Surcharged, type I1] [Austrian Postage Stamps No.78-79 Surcharged, type I2]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
30 I 10/1Pi/G - 15.91 26.51 - USD  Info
30A* I1 10/1Pi/G - 31.81 - - USD  Info
31 I2 20/2Pi/G - 31.81 84.83 - USD  Info
31A* I3 20/2Pi/G - 53.02 636 - USD  Info
30‑31 - 47.72 111 - USD 
1900 Austrain Postage Stamps Surcharged

1. January VM: Ingen Perforering: 13 x 12½, 13 x 13½ & 12½

[Austrain Postage Stamps Surcharged, type J] [Austrain Postage Stamps Surcharged, type K] [Austrain Postage Stamps Surcharged, type K2] [Austrain Postage Stamps Surcharged, type L] [Austrain Postage Stamps Surcharged, type M] [Austrain Postage Stamps Surcharged, type M1] [Austrain Postage Stamps Surcharged, type M2]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
32 J 10/5Pa/H - 5.30 0.80 - USD  Info
33 K 20/10Pa/H - 6.36 0.80 - USD  Info
33A* K1 20/10Pa/H - 424 424 - USD  Info
34 K2 1/25Pi/H - 3.18 0.53 - USD  Info
34A* K3 1/25Pi/H - 26.51 15.91 - USD  Info
35 L 2/50Pi/H - 10.60 4.24 - USD  Info
35A* L1 2/50Pi/H - 53.02 42.42 - USD  Info
36 M 5/1Pi/Kr - 0.53 0.53 - USD  Info
37 M1 10/2Pi/Kr - 2.12 4.24 - USD  Info
38 M2 20/4Pi/Kr - 1.59 10.60 - USD  Info
32‑38 - 29.68 21.74 - USD 


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